

October 18 & 19 @ ecclesia

Thursday, Oct 18th (7-9pm) & Friday, Oct 19th (noon-5pm) - 1100 Elder St. 77007

© Mission Houston 2010

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A City of Activists: An Interview with Rick McKinley

Rick McKinley who pastors the Imago Dei Community in Portland, shares how his city's culture of activism can have positive affects in the local church.

Rick McKinley along with Shane Claiborne and John Franke will be speaking at the 2012 ATCO Conference. To register for ATCO, click here.

To visit the original post published in Christianity Today website, click here.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

What corner have you been called to? Register for ATCO 2012

What corner have you been called to? Is God merely asking you to cross the street or are you looking at a whole new intersection? During the “At the Corner of…” conferences, we ask these questions and more. We explore ways to live out our faith on the very deepest levels. We examine those comfortable, traditional, “tried and true” ways of being the Church…those strategies that hold fast to a mantra that declares “…but we’ve always done it that way!” Sadly, we find that those strategies haven’t sustained the community transformation that we believe is at the heart of God’s commandment to make disciples.

Confronted with that reality, we’ve concluded that it’s time to start taking some risks.

There’s no question that God has indeed moved into the neighborhood. Yes, into our neighborhood. And as we acknowledge the impact of this truth, the conversation changes. To engage in that conversation takes courage. When we’re standing at that new and unfamiliar intersection, we dare to ask questions such as “What would it look like if…?”

At the ATCO conference you will hear storytellers who talk about their discoveries, challenges, successes, and thoughts about what’s next. They are ordinary people with extraordinary stories that bring tears, laughter, conviction and inspiration. Their journeys are different, but each one conveys a clear message that the same old “programs” and “10 steps to…” haven’t brought the radical transformation needed to fully impact our personal lives or our cities.

Since the launch of the ATCO conferences in 2010, the conversation has deepened and there’s an even greater sense of urgency to awake from our sleepwalking and ask some tough questions. The answers to some of those questions have challenged many of us to travel a different way…to get off our donkeys and consider some new ways to reach our destination.

If you’re tired of hanging out at the same old familiar corner, please come and dare to live dangerously. You might even find yourself at a whole new intersection. We invite you to join the conversation at the ATCO 2012 conference. Together we can impact our city eternally in ways that make sense!

Thursday, Oct 18th (7-9pm) & Friday, Oct 19th (noon-5pm)
1100 Elder St. Houston TX 77007

To see a few highlights from previous ATCO conference click here.
To register for ATCO 2012 click here.

Memories of "At the Corner of..."

See a few highlights from previous ATCO conferences:

The word became flesh and